COVID19 Limericks- Just a bit of fun!

Corona, corona

I don’t want to know ya

But you’ve taken over the news

And they cancelled my cruise

Followed by gym, swim and yoga


Beach closed

I love a good swim at dawn

But ‘Rona means the chance is gone

Instead I’m working from home in pjs

Munching donuts with pink glaze

And staring at my togs n cap forlorn


Surplus dreaming

Thanks Scomo, for trying

You could’ve continued lying

I’m sure you vomited in your mouth

As your beloved surplus went south

And money went to peeps known for bludging


Early pessimism

Ronny went to Bondi and caught COVID19

Now his alveoli are full of fluid, with no air in between

He went to a GP without N95

Looks like the medical workforce will take a nosedive

And we’ll watch the deaths clock up on our screen


Working from home (1)

Oh copper wire NBN

Will you come back on again?

My report is due in 24hours

And my colleagues are getting rather sour

NBN, NBN when will the dropout end


Working from home (2)

Work in my dressing gown, why not?

An icecream for lunch, as it’s getting hot?

A post prandial nap.

A cat on my lap.

It’s nice in my lair, is it not?


…6 months later

Why must I brush my hair?

Choosing outfits leaves me in despair

Must I talk to people face to face

And make for the train in haste?

Why must I emerge from my lair?


The COVID19 Warp

Scomo jumps to the left

Jacinda’s pay has a big cleft

Boris’s out of ICU just in time

Trudeau does a dodge, kept his nine

Isn’t Trump so much better than the rest?


It’s the COVID19 warp

China is to blame, I thought

Coz Italy just had bad luck

US has Trump so they’ll combust

Jump to the left, though we must contort


It’s the COVID19 warp

Let’s not do this again.


Cosy Cabin Comedy (with Asian Aunty)

An onion by the door

Words with friends, when friends no more

Jazzercise to Boccelli

Can’t escape crazy relis

Cozy cabin comedy, hear us roar


NCIS to inspire us

Lots of tea will kill the virus

Sitting leads to pressure sores

Many words with friends, but can’t score

Cozy cabin comedy cozy cabin crush


A marble-less malady

It’s COVID19 and I can’t stop limericking

It’s like Tourette’s, I’m ticcing

Do you know the cure?

Initially the malady had some allure,

But prose and sleep are much less taxing


4 Previous Presidents

4 previous presidents all named John

4 prescients who are never wrong

4 preening ponies, in perfect braids

Always rewarded for their escapades

4 powersick pustules, whose harms go on

We will burst you one by one.

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